The Tennis technique is considered one of the most difficult to master.
When I watch some dancing group, with hundreds of small choreography moves, I tend to believe
that tennis is a piece of cake compared to it.
Firstly, we have to agree with the question that tennis is very difficult to answer.
I would agree that it is true “50:50”.
Every learning could be characterized as difficult if you start alone or if
you start with the help of someone who is not a good teacher.
It is not only for tennis, of course, but for any skill that there is.
What exactly does it make so difficult?
1. Anticipation
A tennis ball can arrive very fast or very slow and with a different type of rotation.
Someone who is not experienced enough, this knows to be a big obstacle.
But, “we have all been there!” You just have to accept that you need some time
to develop certain feelings and perceptions and to anticipate how and where the ball
will bounce.
2. Timing
Similar to the previous, there is another calculation: adjusting the swing back with the “meeting
contact”. This timing is usually happening while we move slow or fast what makes this timing more
3. Precision
To me, the most important is to be accurate. Now, imagine how difficult is for a person who is not advanced level to run,
make a swing, and aim in one small part of the court that our opponent can not defend. There are so many small calculations that
need to be executed in a second or two.
4. Learning tennis technique
When you learn tennis technique, you could say that there are two groundstrokes, Backhand and Forehand,
that there is a serve, smash, and volleys.
The real truth is that there are four types of Forehands and four backhands:
1. classic closed stance topspin technique
2. Modern open stance technique (spin or flat)
3. Hitting (attacking) on the rise
4. Slice
The same variety we have from Backhand’s strokes plus we have two kinds – One-handed
and Two-handed backhands.
So, we have 8 strokes, and there are serves (2 or 3 types), smash,
volleys and drop shots (variation of slice motion).
As you see, we have something like 15 different strokes and while we are moving we have to
hit a target while a ball is coming with a lot of speed – yes, it doesn’t sound easy.
Also, you probably need to run a lot and fast. And to think fast,
to choose whit what type of stroke to hit and where to shoot.
Also, when you learn fine techniques, it takes time that learned stuff becomes automatic.
Maybe it is difficult but the pleasure that we gain is – worth it.
In our Split method tennis school (tennis clinic), learning and fixing problems are far from difficult.
We give three times money-back guarantee for the promise
that it will not be difficult nor long to get it.
As everything – depending on the teacher, learning can be easy and fun but also a nightmare
if the teacher is not a real master.