You cannot say that one type of Backhand is better than the other one.
It really depends on whom we are talking about.
For kids and ladies with weak, tender, thin wrists – definitely is better
and even the only solution – to hit with both hands.
Two hands have a unique possibility to create the “lever” mechanism which
is so strong that they can return, with good timing, even a very strong ball.
If they would want to do the same using a one-handed backhand – they would
most probably hurt their wrist.
On the other side, an adult person is already developed as a right-handed person.
The same thing applies to writing with the left hand or kicking the ball with the left foot.
You know how it would work, you probably have tried that, right?
Two-handed Backhand has advantaged and one-handed backhand has advantages.
Players with a One-handed Backhand can easier hit stronger and more precisely,
but because of that “freedom”, it is easier to make mistakes.
A player hitting with two hands can easier return the strong ball, “play”
with angles and be more steady i.e. make fewer errors.
That is why you can see much more winners from one-handers but fewer unforced errors from the two-handers.