How to add more power to my Forehand

Tennis Lessons and Tennis Coach Certification

There are 5 main ways to get more power to Forehand.

Knowing from physics that the power depends on racket speed and mass,
of course fitness exercise program with professional will increase power and speed.
Shoulder, arm and trunk muscles should be in focus.

Now, what are the tennis technical elements that could / should be improved:

1. Back swing should start high / higher in order to use the gravitation as
our big help to necessary beginning speed (“V zero”). We know
that “free fall” / gravitation depends on the height and “mass”.
So, the racket weight also matters.

2. Trunk rotation – usually called “coiling”. In order to have good uncoiling force,
a player should “coil” maximum. For this action big help is “non dominant” arm.

3. Non dominant arm helps a lot in coiling and uncoiling action. “Other arm”
actually is, together with the “step in” move, the Forehand stroke initiator!
4. Bigger “step (in)” and stronger “push” from back lag is another key element
where our body weight shifts toward the ball. This technical element is very
important part of the stroke and key element of good timing!

5. The racket weight is also important and that is the reason why aggressive
players and big hitters always use more heavy rackets.
This is easy to check. Compare the ball speed after hitting with heavy and with light
racket. Heavier racket will produce more ball speed i.e. more power..

6. The string tension also contributes to the power i.e. ball speed.
If you put less tension, strings will be with more elastic energy.
Also, it is good to know that it is more difficult to control the ball this way.