How do you teach tennis Backhand?



After the service is produced, players will most probably hit many forehands and backhands.

This is why groundstrokes make 90% of the game, regardless if it is a junior competition or veteran / recreational club game.

Whether you play Forehand, One or Two-Handed Backhand, you have to split the whole

stroke production into phases:

1. Swing back

2. Stroke

3. Follow through

1. Swing back you do with both hands, you lift the racket and you get into the

preparation position. You are half turned.

When you see that it’s time to hit, you let the racket fall and pick up the speed.

Usually, it looks like a pendulum. While the racket is falling, you continue your

trunk i.e. shoulder rotation into full rotation. Your balance is on the back foot.

2. Racket’s butt starts 9the cup on the bottom of the racket)toward the ball,

you hit the ball trying to have the strings as long as possible facing the

chosen target. A similar thing is happening in mini-golf.

Your balance i.e. your weight transfers toward the other foot during the hit.

3. Follow-through is happening when the weight is already shifted.

Your arm must always be loose and the handle to be squeezed just enough that your

racket doesn’t fall out of your hand.

These are the phases for any groundstroke including drive volleys.