How do you hit perfect Backhand?
To hit a perfect Backhand or Forehand, you have to understand
what elements make perfect Ground stroke.
These are the same technical elements that my Split Method promises you will have
after the first phase of the MSM course.
1. Accuracy – for me no.1 important thing is the precision. It does not mean only the ball
direction but the depth i.e. length as well.
2. Preparation i.e. body positioning – allows you to have relaxed and extended arm during the
3. Good swing back – the racket is brought high and that provides you with necessary
beginning racket speed, so you can hit nicely and strong with the power of pendulum.
You don’t need to be strong. Inside the pendulum there is the weight of dominant arm
plus the weight of the racket.
There is enough force to produce decent stroke even without including “muscles”.
4. Good weight transfer is the essential part of perfect timing. Even without the swing
it is possible to hit well. This is how important this transfer and timing are.
5. After the stroke, our body must be still and in “peace”(unless we are running and hitting).
If the body is out of balance – the shot is not perfect.
6. Another important thing that shows that we produce perfect strokes is ability to make many same
strokes in a row. Shots must be effortless, like we are hitting though the air, without a ball.