Still struggling to have beautiful Forehand and Backhand? Usually, an only small detail can make you being stuck on a plateau.
Do you wish you could take a class that would really, truly fix all your Ground strokes once for good? Imagine, in the last 15 years more than a thousand players have successfully fixed their obstacles with tennis lessons – without even one exception!

Tennis Lessons and Tennis Coach Certification


Still Struggling to have Beautiful Forehand and Backhand?
Do you wish you could take a class that would really, truly fix all your Ground strokes once for good? Imagine, in the last 15 years more than thousand players have succeeded – without even one exception!


Improve your tennis technique fast, online live-stream with our tennis lessons from professionals ($300 per treatment).

MSM Tennis Lessons & Courses Prices

Shenzhen, China

Mili’s  MSM tennis clinic there since September 2021:

* The first course is 9 hours packet for Forehand & Backhand. It is  7600 ¥ for 1 person or 1100 $

For 2 people is 10 000¥ or 1400$

For 3 people is 12000¥ or 1700$

For 4 people is 14000¥ or 2000$.

For more than 4 people is the matter of agreement.

Given prices include the court fee if they are in our club  Xindong Sports, Shenzhen.
If not, the student/ client pays for the court. Other expences are the matter of agreement ( travel expenses, time spent in travel etc).

Tennis coaching certification MSM (Mili’s Split Method) course is usually about 1 month duration if a coach is already a good player.

The course is personal, held by  Mili. Duration depends on the student-coach learning improvement. 

PTR license is recommended, or some other world wide recognized. MSM is specialization, where a coach will learn teaching secrets. Those thing cannot be found on line nor in any existing books. 
Price in our clubs in Shenzhen China is 80 000¥ Or 12 000 $, plus the franchising commission which is usually 10% first 3 years and 3% after that.

WeChat: MiliTenis

If you can not manage to come to have personal  lessons, then online lessons are the second best move.
We already have mentioned, on the Home page, the significant benefits having MSM classes.

You can also check out our You Tube channel – Tennis Mili Split Method.
There are hundreds of “Before & After” videos showing how fast players improve and fix their Ground stroke issues, regardless of  player’s skill or age.

How do we know that the 1st phase of the MSM course is done?

  • Beginners – will be able to hit a series of about 10 consecutive correct strokes. 
  • Beginners have nothing to fix (only intermediate and advanced players)so they learn from the beginning both Ground strokes. 
  • An MSM coach will drop the ball from hand and an MSM student should hit nice and correctly given balls. Sport and tennis beginner needs usually at 

least several months to spend on the court or on the tennis wall – in order to understand and get used to predicting the ball bounce. 

  • It takes time to learn how to position yourself.
  • How long it can take?
  • That is individual and it depends on your sport “history”.
  • If you have ever trained/played some other sport that involves a ball
  • then you will not have a problem and very fast you will learn to predict where the ball will “jump”.
  • Also if you are an adult who used to play tennis as a kid, you will not have a problem.
  • If you have never done any sport before, or you have but not with a ball, most probably you will have difficulty judging even a little bit faster ball coming to you.
  • An intermediate player will do the same but return balls when the

coach sends you from the net. Power used in this phase should be

about 50 % of the usual, first week! Easy we are picking up the speed.

  • We compare the videos taken before the course and after the course.
  • An advanced player will do the same but the coach will send balls

from the baseline. Again – the speed/ power is 50 – 60% of the usual!

  • Advanced players usually have some tiny error that prevents them to hit a strong long rally. 
  • At the end of the course (clinic), a player will totally understand what 
  • was the problem and how to fix it and will be able to make many
  • strong consecutive balls – what was not possible before the MSM treatment!



If we are talking about the 1st MSM Base course, that treatment takes between 

one and three days per a chosen type of Ground stroke.

The lesson lasts between 1 and 2 hours, depending of the student’s progression.

Sometimes we do it twice per day.

We make a video recording the problematic groundstroke before the course

and after the course when the coach thinks that the 1st milestone is achieved.

After the Base course, an hour lesson lasts between 50 and 55 minutes.

For kids, the lesson lasts between 30 and 50 minutes. 

We all agree with parents about every detail – upfront.


Payment – is always upfront!

Unless it is a group lesson, the player pays the court fee.


The court may belong to a player and be free, or, it can be an indoor court with AC and cost 50 EU per hour. That’s why : )


The 3 times money-back guarantee is for a player who thinks the job was not done. After the 1st lesson, every player gets the homework exercise. That takes two times five minutes per day, in the period after the 1st and before the second lesson. This homework is obligatory and must be recorded as proof that you followed the instruction. 

Mili Split Method guarantee the results only if you do what we say, otherwise, you can not say that you want the money back. Since 2005 The success statistic is 100%! Not 99 but 100!