certified Tennis Coach

Tennis Technique or Methods with Probably Fastest Results

This tennis technique is scientific, universal with an unbelievable  100% success rate

Coach Mili Split Veljkovic needed almost 20 years to create a flawless technique that can fix techniques i.e. biomechanics of all groundstrokes.

The method is based on four sciences: methodology, neural physiology, psychology, and biomechanics.

MSM is a Scientific Method.

If a coach follows the method’s steps precisely, the job will be done 100%.
If a coach doesn’t follow the method’s rules precisely – they will both struggle.

MSM Tennis Technique and Method

The method was firstly created (2005) with the intention to improve the one-handed backhand at junior players and the active recreational players who were playing tournaments. Soon after that Mili realized that the same concept can be also used on Classic Forehand spin (more closed stance), open modern Forehand (open stance, more flat hit), on both slices (forehand and backhand), and even drive volleys – in other words, the method works wonders on any type of the Groundstrokes.

One of the best method’s features is – long-term bad habits do not slow down the re-learning process.

How come? A player’s coordination and motor skills are more “mature” and it is all about coordination and motoric.

This is why most top sportsmen who switch from their previous sports to tennis, managed very fast to become better than experienced intermediate recreational frequent players.

MSM Tennis Technique and Method

Phase-1 is a 6-day program for Forehand and Backhand (classic topspin) or 3 days for one of the Groundstrokes.

We start the MSM “treatment” using not more than 60% of the usual power/speed.

We work on:

– understanding / explaining the biomechanics of the strokes

– on precision,

– on stability i.e. bodyweight transfer,

– on looseness,

– on efficiency, meaning to have more power with less muscle use.

– on the end, this will result in a much longer rally.

If a player has a problem with any of these factors, his game can not be stable.

To have excellent tennis technique is not difficult at all.

Tennis Coach Certification License.